We are dedicated to
helping families every day

Tools and Resources

Faith Finances is about applying God’s word to personal finances and mastering the three principles to biblical finances: Giving, Managing and Increase.

After his own personal financial crisis followed by much study of the Scriptures, Catholic author, Thomas Zordani wrote this best-selling book to help others discover the same explanation that he had there. “If I was incapable of handling what little money I had, there would be no way I could possibly deserve or handle more. It wasn’t until I changed my heart and my thinking, and applied timeless stewardship principles found in Holy Scripture that my finances began to change.”

Download Budget Sheet

Thousands of families use this budget sheet. It is simple, extremely thorough and laid out a certain way, for very specific reasons. It was designed by the founder of Faith Finances, Thomas Zordani. This incredible tool was not developed like other budget tools that you may be familiar with, but was specifically created, to follow the path that he discovered in Holy Scripture (so it works). It is highly recommended that if you use a different budget tool
today, to adapt your current budget, to meet the Faith Finances budget sheet format. By doing this, it will ensure your success!
If you have any questions pertaining to the proper use of this tool or you simply have a budget question. Contact us now, to discuss it!

