Did you know…?

…30% of all Catholic marriages in the US end in divorce?

…that represents over 16.8 million divorced Catholics in the US?

…that finances or money problems are always in the top three reasons for a failed marriage?

Faith Finances’ mission is to change this needless tragedy!

What Makes the Faith Finances book Different

This book was written to properly educate the reader how to align their finances with God’s way of handling money.  It clearly addresses the mental, emotional, spiritual and life-style aspects of finances.  Each chapter also includes a section on, what are you supposed to teach your children, about money and finances.  This material can easily be applied for a lifetime! 

The Problem with Marriage Preparation

Marriage preparation provides a magnificent opportunity to evangelize and yet again, catechize the engaged couple, before they perhaps disappear into the background of married-life.  All dioceses and parishes offer a current marriage preparation program(s).  Research shows that the weakest link in all marriage preparation programs is the financial education, part of the program. 

The general approach is…  let’s talk about how much debt you have, how much money can be spent before we have to tell each other, should we use a budget, how much money should we give away and how should we save and or invest?  While these are all great questions and questions that should ultimately be known and answered.  What do any of these preparation questions and discussions have to do about one’s faith, and the importance that faith should play in one’s finances?  NOTHING!  They never have, and more importantly, they never will!

If you are involved in marriage preparation, you most likely take great care to influence the couples, to the best of your ability with top quality faith teachings, such as Theology of the Body and NFP, and perhaps other areas, then when it comes to teaching finances, a complete or near complete secular approach is often used.  In essence, the couples are learning to compartmentalize their faith.  They are learning that they can learn to live an authentic Catholic life, but when it comes to finances, that is the one area that there is no need to turn it over to God, and that is perfectly okay and acceptable.

As Catholics, we must ask ourselves, is this okay and acceptable?  Of course not!  We must do everything in our power to properly train and equip each and every couple for the joys, the challenges of marriage, just as Christ intended it. 

Instead of addressing only the secular life-style orientation aspect of money, one must also address the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects too.  The Faith Finances Marriage Preparation Program does exactly that!   

Faith Finances Marriage Preparation Couple’s Workbook Only

Faith Finances Marriage Preparation Couple’s Workbook Only (Spanish Ed.)

Faith Finances Marriage Preparation Couple’s Workbook Program – Includes a copy of the Faith Finances book.

Faith Finances Marriage Preparation Couple’s Workbook Program – Includes a copy of the Faith Finances book (Spanish Ed.)

The Faith Finances Marriage Preparation Course page:

The Faith Finances Marriage Preparation Course page:

ith Finances Marriage Preparation Program covers the following topics:

  •  Couple’s Inventory: Questions for Discussion (designed to uncover areas of special concern for couples preparing for marriage)
  • Introduction to Faith Finances
  • Attitudes in Finances
  • How Our Attitudes Affect Us
  • The Cardinal Virtues
  • The Theological Virtues
  • What’s Going on in Our Families
  • Important First Steps (To Starting Your Transformation)
  • Selecting Your Board of Directors  (BoD)
  • Step #1 Keep A Written Budget
  • The Odds & Ends of Budgeting
  • What is Your Tendency?
  • Budget Break Out
  • Disagreements
  • The Matthew Principle (Asking / Seeking/ Knocking)
  • Step #2 Tithing
  • Introduction to Tithing
  • Becoming a Giver of First Fruits
  • Whose Stuff is it Anyway?
  • The Great Debate
  • Common Questions Regarding Tithing
  •  The Faith Finances Tithing Challenge
  • Step #3 Pay Yourself First – Establishing an Emergency Fund
  • A Scriptural view on Saving
  • Do’s & Don’t of Paying Yourself First
  • Step #4 Eliminate Debt
  • His & Her Credit Cards
  • How Do You Feel About Debt?   
  • The Great Myth of Debt
  • Debt Breakout
  • Cutting up the Cards (Living Debt-Free)!
  • The Concept of Delayed Gratification
  • Common Questions & Answers About Getting Out of Debt
  • Climbing Out of Debt
  • Step #5 A fully Funded Emergency Fund
  • Reasons You Might Need Six Months of Income
  • Step #6 Fully Implement Retirement Savings
  • A Vision of The Future
  • How Big Purchases Impact Your Future
  • How Does Money Work (The Principle of Compound Interest)
  • Basic Balanced Investing (From the Bible)
  • Step #7 Pay Off Mortgage
  • Let’s Talk About Mortgages
  • A Very Sobering Thought
  • Common Mistakes People make!  Do You Want It To Be A Blessing or A Curse?
  • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare (The Right Way)!
  • How To Pay Off Your Mortgage More Quickly
  • Step #8 Give & Save In Abundance – Discover Your Purpose
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Charisms)
  • Charism Breakout
  • Laws Governing Sowing & Reaping
  • Are You Willing To Change (Three Life-changing Commitments)?
  • Special Situations
  • Re-marriage (Financial Baggage From a Previous Marriage)
  • Cohabitation
  • Step-parenting    

The Problem with Marriage Enrichment

Those involved in the Marriage and Family Life Ministry know all too well that meaningful engagements with couples are often few and far between in life.  The problem is, with all of the challenges confronting families today, how do you effectively help the families of your diocese and/or parish? Financial issues break up marriages, destroy families and cause many to lose their hope and dignity.  Finances are almost always in the top three reasons that marriages fail. 

The Faith Finances Marriage-Enrichment series provides an excellent opportunity to help evangelize and catechize couples in your diocese and parish.  The financial needs and challenges of a newly-married couple can be, and often are, very different than a couple who has been married for twenty years.  Someone who has been married twenty years, has different challenges than a couple who has been married forty years and are retired. 

Faith Finances has developed high-impact programs that address the needs of married couples, regardless of their stage in marriage.  These programs address, head on, the problems that families are encountering.  The Faith Finances program teaches , budgeting, tithing, emergency funds and saving, eliminating and living debt-free, bible-based investing and preparing for retirement, mortgages and a lot more…   

Faith Finances For The Newly-Married (The First 10 Years) Couple’s Workbook Only.

Faith Finances In Mid-Life Couple’s Workbook Only

Faith Finances In Retirement (The Golden Years) Couple’s Workbook Only.

Faith Finances For The Newly-Married Couple’s Workbook Program – Includes a copy of the Faith Finances book.

Faith Finances In Mid-Life Couple’s Workbook Program – Includes a copy of the Faith Finances book.

Faith Finances In Retirement (The Golden Years) Workbook Program – Includes a copy of the Faith Finances book.

The Faith Finances Marriage Enrichment Courses page:

The Faith Finances Marriage Enrichment Courses cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to Faith Finances
  • Attitudes in Finances
  • How Our Attitudes Affect Us
  • The Cardinal Virtues
  • The Theological Virtues
  • What’s Going on in Our Families
  • Important First Steps (To Starting Your Transformation)
  • Selecting Your Board of Directors  (BoD)
  • Step #1 Keep A Written Budget
  • The Odds & Ends of Budgeting
  • Budgeting For Education
  • What is Your Tendency?
  • Budget Break Out
  • Disagreements
  • The Matthew Principle (Asking / Seeking/ Knocking)
  • Step #2 Tithing
  • Introduction to Tithing
  • Becoming a Giver of First Fruits
  • Whose Stuff is it Anyway?
  • The Great Debate
  • Common Questions Regarding Tithing
  • The Faith Finances Tithing Challenge
  • Step #3 Pay Yourself First – Establishing an Emergency Fund
  • A Scriptural view on Saving
  • Do’s & Don’t of Paying Yourself First
  • Step #4 Eliminate Debt
  • His & Her Credit Cards
  • How Do You Feel About Debt?   
  • The Great Myth of Debt
  • Debt Breakout
  • Cutting up the Cards (Living Debt-Free)!
  • The Concept of Delayed Gratification
  • Common Questions & Answers About Getting Out of Debt
  • Climbing Out of Debt
  • Step #5 A fully Funded Emergency Fund
  •         Reasons You Might Need Six Months of Income
  • Step #6 Fully Implement Retirement Savings
  • A Vision of The Future
  • How Big Purchases Impact Your Future
  • How Does Money Work (The Principle of Compound Interest)
  • Basic Balanced Investing (From the Bible)
  • Step #7 Pay Off Mortgage
  • Let’s Talk About Mortgages
  • A Very Sobering Thought
  • Common Mistakes People make!  Do You Want It To Be A Blessing Or    A Curse?
  • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare (The Right Way)!
  • How To Pay Off Your Mortgage More Quickly
  • Step #8 Give & Save In Abundance – Discover Your Purpose
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Charisms)
  • Charism Breakout
  • Laws Governing Sowing & Reaping
  • Are You Willing To Change (Three Life-changing Commitments)?
  • Special Situations
  • Re-marriage (Financial Baggage From a Previous Marriage)
  • Faith, Family, and Careers
  • Troubled Marriages
  • Step-parenting            

Online Speaking Services

Faith Finances offers a number of speaking services and events. Click on the appropriate button below to lean more about these services.

Live Speaking Events and Train the Trainer Events

Book a live Faith Finances event for your diocese or parish or let us professionally train, in person, your trainers to teach Faith Finances.

